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About Us

Welcome to J&H Winds! Opened by Simon Harding and Jimmy Jensen in August of 2021, we look forward to working with local musicians of all levels as well as musicians across the world!


Having trained for several years at Tenor Madness, and benefiting from all the knowledge acquired there, we were inspired to take the leap and open our own woodwind shop. With our dual perfectionism and high levels of saxophone, clarinet, and flute nerdiness, we utilize modern technology and innovative techniques created by the newest generation of technicians along with our traditional repair foundation to take your instrument to the highest level.


As professional players on all the woodwinds, the repair work done at J&H Winds is approached from a technical standpoint as well as analyzed through a playing standpoint. Bouncing between these vantage points allows us to take each instrument to the highest level of precision, which allows players a sense of complete fluidity and unparalleled ease of play. 


We cater every repair to each individual player, instrument, and situation. Working with individuals and offering them a variety of options to reach a common goal has been fundamental in growing our customer base. The end goal is to make sure the player is happy and the instrument is playing on such a level that it causes no hindrance, and complete expression can be achieved. Music is so much more fun to make with an instrument that plays effortlessly!


All quotes, estimates and consultations are free so please reach out and talk to us!

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